How Your Family Dog is Keeping You Healthy

Family and dogs

For those of us who own dogs, we know the dirt and mess that comes along with it. Some of our dogs’ favorite pastimes include rolling around in the mud, swimming in a pond, and eating questionable food off the ground. According to an article recently published in the New York Times by Richard Schiffman, […]

Powerful Tinnitus Therapies You Probably Aren’t Using

Tinnitus can be constant

It is estimated that 15% of the U.S. population, or roughly 50 million people, experience some form of tinnitus. There are various causes for the perceived buzzing, chirping, hissing, or ringing in the ear. However, nearly 90% of tinnitus cases are accompanied by underlying hearing loss. Other tinnitus causes include earwax impaction, underlying medical conditions, […]

Studies Find Meaningful Mindfulness Can Lead to Improved Health & Happiness

Yogo clears the mind

Per a recent CNN article by Jen Christensen (CNN Health, Medical, & Wellness Unit Producer), Studies have found that practicing mindfulness daily can have many health benefits, including reduced stress levels, sharpening the mind, a reduction in anxiety, and an increase in focus. According to, Mindfulness can be defined as “the basic human ability […]

Relieving Pink Eye in Kids and Adults Naturally

Child safe pink eye drops

by Justine from The Typical Mom It’s not fun, but pink eye in kids happens quite often if you have school age children especially. They love to hug and share just about everything…and sometimes pink eye comes along when you’re least expecting it. It doesn’t just happen to kids either, adults suffer too. I can […]

Pink Eye Antibiotics: Overprescribed?

Pink Eye Antibiotics: Overprescribed? In the United States alone, pink eye affects more than 6 million people per year. There are three different causes, or “kinds” of pink eye. There is viral, bacterial, and allergy-induced pink eye. A recent study, published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, has concluded that the use of pink eye […]

What About Tinnitus?

The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) works to raise awareness about tinnitus, as it is a widespread ailment that many are unfamiliar with. “ATA is committed to raising the profile of tinnitus as well as raising funds to advance research toward new and better treatments for all tinnitus patients,” said Thomas J. Lobl, Ph.D., Chair of […]

Making Life More Comfortable, Living with Digestive Issues

  Living with digestive issues can certainly be an arduous task. With 25-45 million Americans living with some form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome,  it has become a common botheration for many people.  It has the potential to affect nearly every aspect of your life- from where you go to what you eat, everything must be […]